Online Wholesale Eyewear Worldwide

Contact Us

Service Time:

10.00 A.M to 7 P.M (IST) MON TO SAT
(Expect listed National & Local Holidays)

Sales and Comunication Office:

Webel Tower-1, BN-Block,Plot-4,5th Floor, Office Module No. 501, Salt lake, Sec-V, Kolkata - 700091.

Registered Office:

97/5, Sarat Chaterjee Road, Bhorer Alo Apartment, Ground Floor Howrah 711102 ( Not For Communication )

  • Accounts : 7439971595
  • Warehouse : 8100183724
  • Online Customer Care / Enquiries : 8100183725
  • Authorized Dealer Service : 8100183725
  • Delivery Status Enquiries : 8100183724